



1. Giza pyramid pyramid is the construction of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh's tomb itself.埃及的吉萨金字塔被称为古代世界七大奇迹之一。

Egypt's Giza Pyramids as one of the seven wonders of ancient world.在埃及的大小金字塔,大多都建筑于埃及第三到第六王朝。 The size of the pyramids in Egypt, most of all construction in the third to the sixth dynasty Egypt.一些有4000多年历史的金字塔主要分布在首都及尼河上游西岸吉等地。 Some 4,000 years of history, the pyramids are mainly distributed in the capital Niger River and the upper reaches of the West Bank and Kyrgyzstan, and other places.主要建材是石灰岩,部分为花岩。 Limestone is the main building material, and some flowers for rock.

建造时间:大约公元前2700-2500年建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原相传,古埃及第三王朝之前,无论王公大臣还是老百姓死后,都被葬入一种用泥砖建成的长方形的坟墓,古代埃及人叫它“马斯塔巴”。 Construction time: the construction of about 2700-2500 BC Location: Cairo, Egypt, near the Giza plateau Legend has it, the third dynasty of ancient Egypt, whether ordinary people or royalty Minister after his death, were buried into a brick built rectangular tomb the ancient Egyptians call"Mashidaba."

2. Zeus statues of Zeus is the god of Greek gods, goddesses, table worship gods Zeus built in the world's largest indoor statue, the Statue of Zeus in the Temple Zeus the Olympic Games is the source, part of the Olympic Games projects During the visit had.

建造时间:大约公元前457年建造地点:希腊西海岸奥林匹亚(Olympia)的古城中宙斯神殿建于公元前470年,于公元前456年完工,由建筑师Libon设计,宙斯神像由雕刻家Pheidias雕刻。 Construction time: around 457 BC, the construction sites: the west coast of Greece Olympia(Olympia), the ancient city of Zeus in the Temple was built in 470 BC, was completed in 456 BC, designed by the architect Libon, Zeus statues by the sculptor Pheidias carving.

3. Rhode Island Juxiang Rhode Island Juxiang Seven Wonders is one of the most mysterious, this Rhodes Juxiang built in the entrance.它是希腊太阳神赫利俄斯的青铜铸像,高约33米。 It is the Greek sun god Helios bronze statuettes, about 33 meters high.因为它只在短短五十六年间便毁于公元前226年的一次地震中,考古学家甚至连它的确切位置及外观都未能确定。 Since it is only in a short span of 56 years between 2070 will be destroyed in an earthquake 226 years, archaeologists and even its exact location and appearance have yet to be ascertained.

4. Sky gardens of Babylon and Rhode Island Juxiang, archaeologists have so far failed to find the remains of sky gardens, in fact, in his many writings that the ancient sky gardens only from listening to the words of others, and not really see that in the end is pure sky gardens legend?

建造时间:大约公元前600年建造地点:巴比伦,幼发拉底河(Euphrates)河东面,伊拉克首都巴格达以南50里外左右巴比伦的空中花园当然不是吊于空中,这个名字的由来纯粹是因为人们把原本除有“吊”之外,还有“突出”之意的希腊"kremastos"及拉丁文"pensilis"错误翻译所致。 Construction time: around 600 BC, the construction Location: Babylon, the Euphrates(Euphrates) Hedong face, south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, around 50 in the sky gardens of Babylon certainly not hanging in the air, and the origin of the name is simply because people in addition to the original"suspended", but also"highlight" the Greek meaning"kremastos" and the Latin"pensilis" due to translation errors.

5. Adi Adi Themis Themis Shrine is the Greek goddess of hunting, said she Lat Arabs, Egyptians called her by the Sith(Isis), and the Romans called her Dianna(Diana), in ancient Greece of silk Adi Goddess deeply admire, built one of the seven wonders of silk Adi Shrine.

建造时间:大约公元前550年建造地点:希腊古城爱菲索斯(Ephesus)中,大约在土耳其的Izmir(Smyrna)南面50公里神庙建筑以大理石为基础,上面覆盖着木制屋顶。 Construction time: around 550 BC, the construction sites: Greece ancient city of Ephesus(Ephesus), about Turkey's Izmir(Smyrna), 50 km south of the marble temple construction as the foundation, covered with a wooden roof.整个建筑的设计师是Chersiphron父子,它最大的特色是内部有两排,至少106根立柱,每根大约12至18米高。 The whole building is the architect of Chersiphron father, it is the biggest characteristics within two rows, at least 106 pillars, each about 12 to 18 meters high.神庙的底座约为60乘120米。 Parthenon base is about 60 x 120 meters.原庙毁于公元前356年的大火,在原址后建起的庙于公元262年再罹火难。 The original temple was destroyed by fire in 356 BC in situ after the temple was built in 262 AD again brought to the fire difficult.

6. Temple Mount by Raskin said Wang Mu, Halikanasushi gross SOLAS tomb temple about 45 meters high, the base was top of the ladder-shaped pyramid-shaped, Kariyawasam of the Kingdom of King Mausolus may statue stands in the top.陵墓毁于公元三世纪的一次地震中。 The third century AD tomb destroyed in a quake.

建造时间:大约公元前353年建造地点:现在的土耳其西南地区这座伟大的白色大理石陵墓是为摩索拉斯和他的妻子修建的。 Construction time: around 353 BC, the construction site: It is now the southwestern region of Turkey this great white marble mausoleum is Masuolashi and his wife built.整座建筑由两名希腊设计师设计,外面装饰以奇异的雕刻花纹。 The whole building by two Greek designers, outside the exotic decorative carving patterns.甫一建成就声名远播,公元15世纪初毁于大地震。 As soon built on the name has been heard, the Year destroyed in the early 15th century earthquake.现在伦敦大英博物馆还收藏有一点剩余的雕刻。 London, the British Museum is also a collection point remaining sculpture.

7. Alexandria lighthouse with Alexander the Great(King of Macedonia) orders, the city of Alexandria in 2070 by Ross lighthouse built in a 300 years of the island, and at least 122 metres tall, with shining white limestone or marble.

建造时间:大约公元前300年建造地点:在埃及(Egypt)的亚历山大港(Alexandria)附近的法洛斯岛(island of Pharos)上。 Construction time: around 300 BC, the construction Location: Egypt(Egypt), Alexandria(Alexandria) near the island of Gallows(island of Pharos).

在亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)死后不久,他的手下之一托勒密(Ptolemy Soter)便称霸埃及,并建都于亚历山卓,有鉴于亚历山卓港附近的海道十分危险,Ptolemy Soter便下令由建筑师Sostratus及亚历山卓图书馆(Alexandria Library/Mouseion)合作兴建亚历山大灯塔,灯塔于公元前290年竣工。 In Alexander the Great(Alexander the Great) shortly after death, one of his men Ptolemy(Ptolemy Soter) will dominate Egypt, and Capital in Alexandria, in the light of the Alexandria near the sea very dangerous, Ptolemy Soter will be ordered by the architect Sostratus and the Alexandria Library(Alexandria Library/ Mouseion) in the construction of the lighthouse of Alexandria, the lighthouse was completed in 290 BC.



《MU2》是网禅开发的经典网游《奇迹MU》的正统续作,同样是一款暗黑风格的3D MMORPG,于Gstar2011游戏展正式公布游戏最新视频,主要展示了职业角色“黑暗之神”的战斗场面。视频中可以看到这个职业角色在外部的营地与地下地牢中单枪匹马的和各种怪物进行着激烈战斗,而游戏过程中视角可以进行拉近或者拉远视角调整。注:《MU2》中文名为《奇迹2》。《MU2》是韩国“网禅”(Webzen)《奇迹》和《奇迹世界》原班人马打造,使用了全新的3D渲染物理引擎开发,在画面精致程度和表现力上都堪称世界一流。在植入《奇迹MU》玛雅之翼、天空之城和亚特兰蒂斯等经典元素的同时,还推出了诸多革新性的系统玩法和交互方式,开放飞行系统、领土战争等大量全新的游戏玩法。不论视觉体验,还是游戏性,《MU2》全面超越了经典韩游《奇迹MU》。

网禅公司另一大作《奇迹世界》的公测,网禅计划于2014年正式运营《MU2》。让我们一起期待吧!全新《奇迹世界》韩国“网禅”(Webzen)《奇迹MU》和《奇迹世界》原班人马打造,《奇迹世界》全面超越了经典韩游《奇迹MU》。 2003年2月,《奇迹MU》在中国大陆收费运营。当时的计费方式有两种。






韩国游戏展2006,网禅公开了《Huxley》、《一骑当千》、《奇迹世界》、《Project_Wiki》、《Parfait Station》、《APB》等6款游戏,但仍没有公开《MU2》。《MU2》主开发阵容离散,开发中断

2007年,韩国游戏业界称,网禅公司秘密开发中的《MU2》开发暂时中断。原因是,虽然使用世界顶级引擎虚幻3引擎开发,但开发出来的内容在期待值之下,决定中断开发。随着开发中断,《MU2》的主策划及主开发阵容纷纷离开了公司,剩下的员工则被网禅内部的其他开发组所吸收。这一消息得到了网禅的证实。 NHN Games成为最大股东,《MU2》重新开始开发

2008年,曾创造《奇迹MU》神话并飞跃式发展的网禅,由于《奇迹世界》在韩国运营失败,加上《Huxley》、《一骑当千》、《Parfait Station》等新作上市推迟,主要收入来源《奇迹》的销售额减少等等原因,迎来了连续11个季度的财政赤字,员工数也比起一年半前减少了30%。

同年,网禅股东们要求CEO离职,股东大会还闹出了流血事件。最终,韩国另一家网络游戏公司NHN Games并购网禅,原CEO金南州离任。而新任CEO在就职仪式上宣布,《MU2》正准备开发,不过还处于策划阶段。



同年,网禅开始为加快开发《MU2》而招募人才。网禅与NHN Games合并

2010年,为提升游戏开发能力,提高收益,网禅吸收合并NHN Games,后者解散。 MU2首次曝光












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